Aug 21, 2008

Rediscovering the Classics

Rediscovering the Classics is a class initially started for parents of school-age or home-schooled children, who wanted to rediscover literature (or a love for literature) in order to better pass that love and knowledge onto their own kids. However, the class has become a wonderful group of any and all adults, with or without children (some have grandchildren) who are interested in rediscovering some of the wonderful classics they may have missed in school, or that they wish to read again with fresh eyes.

Rediscovering the Classics meets from September to May, two Friday nights a month (generally the 2nd and 4th Fridays, although that may not be strictly so every month.) We only read one book a month, and the syllabus is always available by the end of August, giving you plenty of time to gather your materials and get ready to read! I promise I (almost) never assign any War and Peace length novels, so slow readers please don't be intimidated!

There is a small materials fee for this class, usually around $25, and you are responsible for purchasing or borrowing your own books. Class size is limited to 8-16 people, so please let me know if you would like to participate. If you would like to pass this information on to others you think might be interested please feel free to do so! We welcome friends and newcomers alike!!

If you are interested please check out our Facebook page, or contact Jenni Buchanan at

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